Books and Book Chapters



  1. Xiao, X.M., Jin, C., Dong, J. , Gross Primary Production of Terrestrial Vegetation . In: Hanes, Jonathan (Eds.), Biophysical Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing, Springer, . 127-147.


  1. Kempler, S., Leptoukh, G.G., Kiang, R.K., Soebiyanto, R.P., Tong, D.Q., Ceccato, P., Maxwell, S., Rommel, R.G., Jacquez, G.M., Benedict, K.K., Morain, S.A., Yang, P., Huang, Q., Golden, M.L., Chen, R.S., Pinzon, J.E., Zaitchik, B., Irwin, D., Estes, S., Luvall, J., Wimberly, M., Xiao, X., Charland, K.M., Stumpf, R.P., Deng, Z., Tilburg, C.E., Liu. Y., McClure, L., and Huff, A., 2013, Data discovery, access and retrieval . In: Moran, S.A. and Budge, A.M. (Eds.), Environmental Tracking for Public Health Surveillance, ISPRS Book Series, CRC Press, The Netherlands, . p229-292.


  1. Xiao, X., Dong, X., Biradar, C., and Sheldon, S., 2012, Livestock feed inventory on the Tibetan Plateau by remote sensing and in-situ observation . In: Michael B. Coughenour and Harinder P.S. Makkar (Eds.), Conducting National Feed Assessments, FAO Animal Production and Health Manual No. 15, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, . p131-141.


  1. Xiao, X., Yan, H., Kalfas, J., Zhang, Q., Satellite-based modeling of gross primary production of terrestrial ecosystems . Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, . 367-382.


  1. Gilbert, M., Xiao, X., Wint, W., and Slingenbergh, J,, Poultry production dynamics, bird migration cycles, and the emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in East and Southeast Asia . In: Sauerborn, Rainer (Eds.), Global Environmental Change and Infectious Diseases: Impacts and Adaptations, Springer Verlag, Berlin, . .
  2. Biradar, C., Thenkabail, P., Noojipady, P., Li, Y., Dheeravath, V., Velpuri, M., Turral, H., Cai, X., Gumma, M., Gangalakunta, O., Schull, M., Alankara, R., Gunasinghe, S., and Xiao, X., Global map of rainfed cropland areas (GMRCA) and statistics using remote sensing . In: Thenkabail, P., Lyon, J.G., Turral, H., and Biradar, C. (Eds.), Remote Sensing of Global Croplands for Food Security, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, . 357-392.
  3. Xiao, X., Zhang, J., Yan, H., Wu, W., and C. Biradar, Land surface phenology: convergence of satellite and CO2 eddy flux observations . In: Noormets, A. (Eds.), Phenology of Ecosystem Processes, Springer Verlag, Berlin, . 247-270.
  4. Reed, B.C., Schwartz, M.D., and Xiao, X., Remote sensing phenology: status and the way forward . In: Noormets, A. (Eds.), Phenology of Ecosystem Processes, Springer, . 231-246.


  1. Ojima, D., X. Xiao, T. Chuluun and X.S. Zhang, Asian grassland biogeochemistry: factors affecting past and future dynamics of Asian grassland . In: J.N. Galloway and J.M. Melillo (Eds.), Asian Change in the Context of Global Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, . 128-144.


  1. Xiao, X., D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton and Z. Chen., Modeling of soil organic matter dynamics in the eastern Inner Mongolia . In: N. West (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake city, Utah, USA, . 618-619.


  1. Xiao, X., Potential primary productivity and development strategy of grassland livestock husbandry in Xilin river basin, Inner Mongolia . In: Zhao M. (Eds.), A Network Study on the Land Productivity and Population Carrying Capacity, Press of Beijing Industrial University, Beijing, . 202-207.


  1. Xiao, X., Vegetation in the sand zone of the Baiyinxile livestock farm, Xilingol league, Inner Mongolia, China . In: Jiang, S., Z. Chen and X. Xiao (Eds.), Reports From Inner Mongolia grassland Ecosystem Research Station (1979-1988), Science Press, Beijing, . 16-19.
  2. Jiang, S., Z. Chen and X. Xiao, Reports from Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Research Station
  3. Xiao, X., Management of grassland ecosystems in Inner Mongolia, China . In: UNEP (Eds.), Ecosystem Management in Developing Countries, Nairobi, Kenya, . 138-153.


  1. Li, W., X. Xiao and G. Liu , A Guide to Pollen Analysis